Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Double Feature

How sick would someone really be whose two favorite movies this year are The Passion of the Christ and Anchorman? 'Cause I know someone like that. And I'd like to get help. For him. Or her. If indeed there's something wrong with that. Which of course there is...

Stay classy.

Watch Out For Ron Burgundy's Guns. They'll GetchaPosted by Hello


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

You are a brave man, Grant. You said what I wanted to say. Dude--I about came unglued laughing in that movie. Hilarious.

Val said...

I would say that there is indeed a problem with your "friend." I would refer this person for counseling to a Dr. Noisewater. (That's two...)

Joel said...

What kind of a sick fool are you?

Who would waste precious blog time talking about Anchorman?

Stay classy Grant. "I'm much more professional than you."

This is really getting out of hand. It’s really escalating quickly.

Joel said...

What kind of a sick fool are you?

Who would waste precious blog time talking about Anchorman?

Stay classy Grant. "I'm much more professional than you."

This is really getting out of hand. It’s really escalating quickly.

Matt said...


Does this person also suffer from an unhealthy obsession with Saturday morning programs from the 70s that featured female superheroes? If so, I would recommend an setting up an intervention. The sooner, the better.

Corey said...

I read this and have many thoughts. Mainly because I'm in a glass case of emotion.