Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Making Their Mao-ths Water

The Tiananmen Square massacre was worth it. Hooters has finally come to China. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the United States' two billion dollar trade deficit with the People's Republic will be erased by Monday.


Joel said...

No Peking!

That's about par with our current trade agreement with China. We get Little Panda and they get Hooters. Fair deal huh?

Pork Fried Cricket.

Dennis Rutherford Lumpkins said...

That Chineese dude in the pink shirt is checking out the wrong girl man. Poo poo plater Wednesdays

Anonymous said...

Hey pal, every now & then I do check out your site. Usually it is filled with great stuff. I’m not sure this one is what I needed though. Great Picture!
- With love,
Ophelia B

Mason McClain said...

I think they could order some better appetizers.